sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012

This free program is the first real breakthrough for decades and it will change the way you eat forever. Essential reading for anyone who has ever failed to slim down despite doing everything right…

"The Secret that is Stunning Nutritionists"

Free Nutritional Typing Test
One of the dangers of living in a breakneck culture is the need for speed. The fast pace of life keeps your mind very busy, and it’s easy to ignore your body when it’s trying to tell you something. Many of you have long lost the ability to connect the dots of how you feel with regard to the foods you eat.
Many choose to place convenience before health when it comes to food selection, and simply fail to appreciate the concept of food as medicine -- and how to give your body the type of healthy fuel it was designed to thrive on. Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming you, as I have been there and done that. I have journeyed for many years through my own process of discovery, to learn how to connect the dots between the foods I eat and the way I feel after eating them.
What I learned is that there is no perfect diet for everyone. You were created with  unique genetics and experiences that will ultimately dictate what the best foods are for you to eat.
The practical challenge of course is to discover what those foods are. Do you really want to be wasting your time, money and energy choosing foods that are "supposed" to be good for you but in reality are making you sick?

How You Can Painlessly Discover What You Were
Truly Designed to Eat

Feeling the Weight of Different Types of food
Weighing in on the options... Mind-blowing great health or simply weight management?
Get comfortable because I'm going to show you how you can achieve the extraordinary health that you and your family deserve.
I sincerely believe that this information could catalyze one of the greatest health turning points in your life. It can potentially affect all your other endeavors, from your relationships to your career, to your hobbies. After all, doesn't sub-par health hurt everything you do?
Despite billions of dollars spent on medical research, supplements, healthier foods, and fitness clubs; more than two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight or obese, and millions are plagued with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Ever ask yourself 'why'?

Ending "One Size Fits All Diets" Once and For All

One size fits all diets
More than a diet plan -- Fabulous health begins at the cellular level to impact your total health!

Take the Nutritional Typing Test for FREE
For starters, most people don't ever consider that eating healthy, organic foods might not be enough for their highest level of wellness. You could actually be eating an all-organic diet -- and still be missing the mark of peak wellness.
Let me ask you this: If clothing in your particular size fits you best, would you choose a 'one-size-fits-all' garment?
If you lost twenty or thirty pounds, I bet you'd want to go buy clothes specifically designed for your wonderful new size. "One-size-fits-all" might be more accurately stated, "one-size-fits-a-few". If you're not one of those few, well... you've got problems.
The same is true of your eating. You might know of, or have personally experienced eating plans that work for some people. Perhaps you have a friend who did great eating a particular diet, whereas when you tried it, you gained weight, or worse - your health declined.

Your Ultimate in Customization

What People are Saying About Nutritional Typing
This is my ninth day and I haven't had one craving for the foods I thought I couldn't live without.
I haven't been able to stick to the primary chart but I am only eating the things on chart 1 and 2 nothing else, staying away from dairy.
I was experiencing brain fog for the first week but that seems to be a lot better. Today for lunch I mixed the high and low purine protein with a salad and made a salad dressing with apple cider vinegar and olive oil.
I had to force myself to eat dinner I was not hungry at all. Usually when I hit the front door after work I am starving. I believe I have finally found something that works.
I love all the foods on the list and there is a good variety. For breakfast I  fried an egg in coconut oil then placed it on top of chopped up tomato, avocado, red bell pepper, cucumber, sprinkled with a little real sea salt. It's delicious.
I know it's not combined perfectly but it seems to work for me. I'm not starving when it is time for lunch. I am satisfied all the time. My clothes are starting to get a little looser. I need to lose 40 lbs.  
Wouldn't it be nice if someone designed a nutritional plan specifically for your body?For your personal needs?
I have some really great news for you! Someone has!
Chances are, you'd like to look -- and feel -- "like a million bucks". And gain the health assets you get with those looks.
Just imagine feeling better than you've ever felt before. How would that feel?
Besides the compliments you'd probably get about your new energy and zeal for life, you get a bunch of benefits like these...
  • Look fantastic!
  • Decrease your signs of aging
  • Increase your energy levels
  • Develop a more effective immune system
  • Support a healthy heart and circulatory system
  • Normalize blood glucose levels
  • Normalize blood lipid levels
  • Maintain appropriate cell division rates
  • Support optimal inflammatory response
  • Achieve better-quality, deeper sleep
  • Support healthy joints and muscles
  • Maintain normal cholesterol levels
So, how can you achieve better overall health than you ever dared to dream or hope for? Let's investigate further...
Your first step, if your health is important to you, is to discover your unique, individual Nutritional Type. This will get your body functioning in its most effective way...

Why Discovering Your Nutritional Type is Your Most Critical Step

Nutritional Typing  (NT)
Your body responds uniquely to food -- your fuel -- based on your genetics, biochemical makeup, family history, and your own interaction with your environment. That's why you will advance your health (and looks) by discerning your Nutritional Type .
The science of Nutritional Typing is the only system that customizes nutrition based on the way your body reacts to food. Your Nutritional Type determines your individual nutritional requirements and dictates your individual responses to what you eat and drink.
You see, foods and individual nutrients do not behave the same way in two people with different Nutritional Types.
That certainly explains why some healthy foods that make other people energetic (and slim) might make you unhealthy, sluggish, bloated, and heavier. And why, no matter how much you try to stick to foods you've been told are 'healthy', or even organic, you may still not feel as good as you'd like to.
There is a reason for this. It's the result of a giant factor outside your control -- your metabolism.
Then, when you factor in environmental stresses that can cause changes in your metabolism and temporarily override your genetics, your personal 'Mission Control' loses control -- unless you know your Nutritional Type .
However, once you discern your  Nutritional Type , and understand your own unique characteristics, you will start choosing foods that move you away from weight  issues, disease, accelerated aging... and towards optimal health and your naturally ideal weight.
Nutritional Typing is NOT Rocket Science
Nutritional Typing: Not exactly rocket science, but critically important to achieving your other goals in life.
Nutritional Typing will teach you which foods you are designed to eat and the ideal proportions of the types of nutrients you require, whether you are a 'Carb', a 'Protein', or a 'Mixed' type.
Chances are, you may have seen these three types in my book, the Total Health Program.
I would like to introduce the All-NEW and IMPROVED Nutritional Typing program to you. It has never been available online before, though patients in my clinic have been using it for a time.
This revised and simplified plan places you and your body into one of these three basic groups...
Which Type are You?
Nutritional Typing - Carbs type Carb Types
Carb Types normally feel best when most of their food is healthy carbohydrates. Yet, there are major differences between classes of carbs such as vegetables and grains. With Nutritional Typing you will discover which carbs are best for your unique physiology.
Nutritional Typing - Protein type Protein Types
Protein Types operate best on a low-carbohydrate, high-protein and relatively high-fat diet (healthy fat that is). These ratios are detailed for you in your Nutritional Typing profile to help you make the wisest food choices.
Nutritional Typing - Mixed type Mixed Types
Mixed Types require food combinations somewhere between carb and protein type groups. This type requires quite a bit of fine-tuning and listening to your body, making it the most challenging type of the Nutritional Typing types.
You need to know that Nutritional Typing is not a diet. And it certainly is not a one-size-fits-all program by any measure.

'One Man's Food is Another's Poison'

Nutritional Typing  (NT)
Protein types have better success eating more of certain types of protein.
Nutritional Typing (NT) is derived from a scientific method of customized nutrition, developed from studying your major body control systems. Clinical observations of hundreds of practitioners working with more than 60,000 people through the past 20 years provided us with critical feedback on what works and what does not.
Many leading scientists and practicing clinicians contributed to the progression of customized nutrition during the past 70 years.
Now, realize that I continue to advocate all the nutritional principles I've championed for years -- like eating a lot of fresh, raw, organic whole foods. We actually incorporated a strong emphasis on food quality into Nutritional Typing.
In addition to eating the right quality foods for your body, believe it or not, we discovered that it is not enough just to make the right food choices... It is equally important to eat your foods at each meal in the right order!
Nutritional Typing  (NT)
Your A,B,Cs -- order of food intake --matter more than you might guess!
Many leading Protein Types should eat their meat first. Carb Types should eat their vegetable first. Mixed Types should eat their meat and vegetable together.
When your food is consumed this way, digestive and nutritional efficiency will improve dramatically, shown by:
  • Improved meal satisfaction
  • No need for snacks between meals
  • No more food cravings

Okay, So, What's The Catch?

Nutritional Typing was designed to provide you with a painless way to regain control of your health, your weight, your diet, and everything that contributes to 'Command Central' of your personal wellbeing. And that means personal wellbeing all the way down to your mission-critical cellular level.
  • Timing of Your Food We have learned that it is not only the food you eat but the actual order that you eat your food that can have a major impact on how you respond to that meal.
  • Food Quality One of the most important aspects of Nutritional Typing (NT) relates to food quality. NT advocates the urgency of consuming the highest quality food available.
    I advise two important points:
    Eat fresh, locally grown, organic food whenever possible.
    Eat as much of your food raw as possible, as it helps in preserving the nutrient's vital energy, so your body can use it.
    If you do cook your food (which we know most people will), please use our low-temperature guidelines as much as possible to minimize heat damage to your food. If you are familiar with the differences between raw and pasteurized milk, you will appreciate the similarity with cooking your food.
  • Supplementation
    Nutritional Typing  (NT)
    How dependent are you on supplements? NT emphasizes food sources as cellular fuel.
    Nutritional Typing (NT) focuses primarily on using food for your cellular fuel, and only using supplements when indicated for specialized conditions.
    In our experience, focusing heavily on supplements to improve your health hardly ever helps people make big or lasting wellness improvements. And, we really want to see you make long-term and permanent advances to your health and wellbeing.
  • Process-Orientation NT is simple and easy to implement. But it also includes an element of process-orientation, as opposed to a one-time diagnosis... and also very conscious, aware eating.
In my experience, not only is NT a simple nutritional plan. It is also very effective at improving your digestive and nutritional efficiency. There is no need to determine food choices based on numerous concerns like blood, endocrine and metabolic type. Not to mention percentages, ratios, or supplements.
And we like the term Nutritional Typing because the emphasis is on nutrition.
Our Nutritional Typing program is easy to understand so you can rapidly improve your health by adopting these basic foundational health principles.
Here's an overview of all you get with NT . . .
  • Simple food choices for each basic type
  • Easy to understand food lists
  • Priority on highest possible food quality -- organic, whole, raw foods
  • Timing of eating your specific food types -- Eat your most nutritionally important food first!
  • Reasonable in price, as the emphasis is on food as your nutritional fuel supply (instead of supplements)
  • A process -- a continuous action that teaches you how to fine tune and adjust your foods the rest of your life for the best possible results
  • Easy to understand and implement
  • Major emphasis on eating consciously -- Be fully aware!
  • Continued success and improved health (success breeds success)
Bear in mind that Nutritional Typing is not another diet.
It is only a means to an end which is: Knowing how to truly nourish yourself in the way that you truly need to be nourished. Nourishing your cells according to their unique needs.

The Potential for This Program to Improve Your

This program is filled with revolutionary and cutting-edge refinements that can explode your transition into radiant optimal health.
It has been my observation that most people who faithfully apply NT observe phenomenal improvements in their health within a short time, sometimes as soon as one month.
Unfortunately, much of what our culture promotes as a medical system is based on treating symptoms and not addressing the underlying cause of those symptoms. Therefore, conventional medicine really has a limited ability to resolve most all chronic illnesses, although effective for many acute health challenges.
Nutritional Typing  (NT)
Experience the widespread life benefits of excellent metabolic balance.
On the other hand, resolving personal biochemical imbalances that are the underlying cause of disease has the unique ability to:
  • Balance your total body chemistry
  • Address disease processes at their causative level
  • Prevent illness
  • Rebuild your health
  • Provide you with uniquely long-lasting health benefits
When you begin eating right for your Nutritional Type , your metabolism will move toward balance. And as you do that, your body will be producing energy more efficiently from foods that you depend on for your body's fuel.
When you are metabolically balanced, you will finally have more energy than you ever believed possible.You will have created an inner cellular environment that is conducive to experiencing your highest levels of:
  • Peaceful energy
  • Relaxed alertness
  • Emotional poise
  • Positive stable mood
  • Great mental clarity

Whether Healthy or Experiencing Challenges --
Nutritional Typing Will Enhance Your Life

Nutritional Typing works for those who are healthy and those who are experiencing health challenges. If you feel that you are already healthy, you're in for a wonderful surprise!
You will create the possibility of truly knowing just how healthy you can be at your max. You will achieve the 'Mission Control' that lets you accomplish what you need and want to in life.
And not only will you experience this at the surface level (looks), but it will also be true at your cellular level, which is really the health impact. You can finally liberate yourself from feeling poorly and that dietary roulette...start enjoying your life, and live it to the fullest.
When eating right for your Nutritional Type , you will experience positive changes that will sharply improve the quality of your life. Some benefits will occur immediately. Others will take longer. All are worth achieving.
5 Great Reasons to Discover Your Nutritional Type as Part of Your Healthy Lifestyle
  • Discover what type of fuel your body really needs to operate at optimal levels
  • Reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes
  • Enhanced immunity and decreased coughs, colds and flu
  • Slowing your signs of aging
  • Get off that dieting yo-yo and achieve natural weight loss (if necessary) without dieting or restricting calories
So why wait to make your move toward your 'mission-critical' health?

And One More Thing – Special FREE Bonus

Get a FREE cookbook ($19.97 value)!
Healthy Recipes for your Nutritional Type And just to make sure you get started cooking correctly for your Nutritional Type right away -- I'd like to give you your own e-copy of my popular cookbook -- Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type.
Based on my program for eating right for your Nutritional Type, your FREE e-cookbook is packed full of savory recipes designed to help you eat your way to optimal health.
With the help of Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type you'll:
  • Have more energy than you know what to do with
  • Free yourself from all food cravings
  • Manage and maintain your ideal weight
  • Eliminate "brain fog" once and for all
  • Consistently feel happy, optimistic, and peaceful
It's bound to take your further down the path to your optimal health. As soon you finish taking the test, you'll be able to immediately download your free copy of Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type.
Today is The First Day of the Rest of Your Life:
Get Started Now For Mission-Critical Optimal Health!
This is the most important health information you may ever receive about yourself. And getting it has never been easier! Here's how you can get started today...

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